Koa Star Fizz is the youngest member of the popular British vlogging family known for their Family Fizz YouTube channel. He appears alongside his parents Georgie and Darren Fizz and his sisters Mia, Sienna and Karma on the channel, which produces family vlogs, travel videos, pranks and challenges, as well as occasional videos about the family’s vegan lifestyle. He has his own Instagram profile, @koastars, and also appears in the family’s Instagram, TikTok and Facebook profiles.

Koa Star Fizz’s parents, Georgie and Darren Fizz, created the popular Family Fizz YouTube channel, in June 2014 with the name VeganFitnessCom to share information about their vegan lifestyle. After the couple sold their London flat and other assets to go on a long trip with their two daughters, Mia and Sienna, they changed the focus of the channel towards family vlogs. As they started to gain popularity quickly, both Koa Star and his older sister Karma Oak had to endure the limelight since their mother was pregnant with them, long before they were even born.
On June 11, 2019, within a year of Karma’s birth, Georgie and Darren announced that they were expecting another baby through a vlog titled FINDING OUT WE'RE PREGNANT! In the video, they talked about how they had actively decided not to try for a baby after planning for their last baby for months, but further added that they were happy that it happened naturally. After that, several of the channel’s videos were centered upon the arrival of the new baby, including a gender reveal video and a baby name reveal video. They also made a video about his home birth in February 2020, and the same month, they introduced baby Koa to their viewers through the video, MEET OUR NEW BABY BOY, KOA STAR! Since then he has appeared in most of the videos on the channel. He also started to appear on the family Instagram profile @familyfizz since his birth in February 2020 and now has his own separate Instagram profile @koastars.

Family Life
Koa Star Fizz, also known as King Koa, is the fourth child and first son of Georgie and Darren Fizz. He has two older biological sisters, Sienna Hope (b. 2011) and Karma Oak (b. 2018), as well as an older step-sister named Mia (b. 2004), who was born to his mother from her past relationship with a drug addict. His parents got married in a small ceremony at Grand Canyon in Arizona in 2019. They had adopted a vegan lifestyle in 2012 after watching the 2005 documentary Earthlings. His maternal aunt Haz Simmons runs the YouTube channels Pugalicious Life and Harriette Rose. Interestingly, the Fizz family has received criticism for their choice of names of their younger children and has also courted controversy due to their parenting decisions, especially involving their oldest daughter Mia.