Isabella Bunny Bennett is a transgender YouTube star and performer best known for her musical project, Steam Powered Giraffe. The band is recognized for their unique performances as antique automatons from a fictional robotics company. Isabella, along with her identical twin brother David Michael Bennett, created Steam Powered Giraffe in 2008 after taking a pantomiming class at Grossmont Community College. Beyond her work with the band, Isabella is a talented artist known for her creative and often macabre comics and illustrations.

Career & Family Life

In addition to her musical endeavors, Isabella began her transition in 2014 and has been open about her journey. Her artistic inspirations include renowned figures like Leonardo da Vinci and Salvador Dali. While she continues to perform and contribute to Steam Powered Giraffe, her brother David also manages his own YouTube channel. Together, they have built a unique and engaging entertainment experience that combines music, performance art, and visual creativity.