Ilyssa, known online as illymation, is an animation student and YouTuber celebrated for her animated story time videos. She gained significant attention with viral videos like "How I Met My Abusive (ex) Boyfriend" and "Harassed at Chick-fil-A (Work Stories)," which helped her channel amass over 2.5 million subscribers. In addition to her YouTube success, Ilyssa has ventured into merchandising, selling clothing and keychains on her Here For The Chaos official website. Before establishing her own channel, she worked for another YouTube animator, Timothy Thomas. Her channel's first animated video, "UnAmerican Airlines Cancelled My Trip," marked the beginning of her journey as an independent content creator. She later created a secondary channel named sillymation, with the first video titled "how i respond to hate comments." Ilyssa's work has also been recognized by other creators, such as Laddi, who featured her in a video about the 2018 VidCon event.