Drew Durnil is a gamer renowned for creating historical and geography-filled video content for the game Battle Royale! His engaging videos on YouTube have garnered him an impressive following of more than 1.4 million subscribers. Drew embarked on his YouTube career by producing walk-through videos of Civilization 5, with his first upload, "Civilization 5: Brave New World: France Pt 1 (Emperor) - The Polynesian Border," debuting in August of 2013. Over the years, he has become known for his popular videos such as "A New Millennium of History | EU4 - Vic 2 - HOI4 - Stellaris!," "All 44 Nations Battle for Earth Until 1 Left! (Civilization Battle Royale)," and "Continents vs Continents! (Eurasia, Americas, Africa, Australia) | Hearts of Iron 4 [HOI4]."