Devonte Thomas is a YouTuber who stars alongside his long-time girlfriend, Anisia Lagness, on their popular channel, The Life Of Us Vlogs. The channel has garnered more than 650,000 subscribers, capturing the interest of many viewers with their engaging content. Devonte met Anisia when he was just 16 years old through Twitter, and he began appearing on her channel shortly after their initial connection. Their content gained significant traction, particularly with Anisia's "Pregnant At 14" story vlog, which went viral and amassed over 2 million views within a month.

Career & Family Life

In addition to their collaborative efforts on YouTube, Devonte also plays an important role in helping Anisia raise her daughter, Juliet. His involvement in their family life adds a heartfelt dynamic to their vlogs, resonating with their audience. Beyond his YouTube activities, Devonte has shown an interest in political matters, evidenced by his retweet of politician Raphael Warnock in February 2021. This action reflects his engagement with current events and his willingness to use his platform for broader conversations.