Danny Dorito, whose real name is Derek Bauder, is a TikTok sensation renowned for his comedy and gaming videos. Since his first post in April 2020, where he played the video game Valorant, he has amassed a significant following, with his account boasting 4.6 million followers and over 192 million likes. His rise to fame was marked by a viral post in June 2020 about being a small streamer, which was his first TikTok to hit 1 million views. In addition to TikTok, Danny Dorito launched a YouTube channel in April 2020, where he shares gaming, challenge, and reaction videos.

Career & Family Life

Danny Dorito's personal life often features in his content. In December 2020, his brother appeared in a TikTok video trying a G Fuel drink. A memorable moment in his journey was when he proposed to his then-girlfriend during a live stream in February 2021. On social media, he affectionately refers to his stepson as "Little Man." Danny Dorito also engages with the TikTok community by posting several duets with other creators, including Nick Uhas and Ryan Doka.