Damen Mummert is a social media star and model who is best known as part of the duo “Speedy & The G” along with his best friend Cory Hunter-Winn. The two friends share the YouTube channel, Speedy & The G, and the Instagram and TikTok handles @speedyandtheg. They also did a modeling photoshoot for a magazine together. Individually, he shares fashion pictures on his personal Instagram @damen.mumm and also makes funny clips for his TikTok profile @damen.com.

Damen Mummert started his social media career on Instagram where his earliest post was from August 15, 2017 when he had shared a clip of him sneaking into an NBA game. After completing high school, he approached his best friend Cory Hunter-Winn, who already had a small YouTube channel, with the idea of creating a joint podcast channel together. They had already determined the name of the channel, Speedy & The G, which was created on July 28, 2019. Their first post on the channel, Spit Takes, ASMR, & Alzheimer's | Speedy & The G Podcast Ep.1, was uploaded on August 1, 2019.
They continued to make more podcasts in the following months, including one from the campus of Utah Valley University. However, they soon began posting vlogs and started making other types of videos including pranks, comedy skits, reaction videos and the like. Although they continue to upload conversational videos about a wide range of relatable topics on the channel, but the two friends are mindful of informing their audience that “Speedy & The G is not a podcast”.

Damen was once kicked out of his house for piercing his ears for a video against the wishes of his parents and had to stay at Cory’s house for a week. During that period in 2020, the two started their joint TikTok profile @speedyandtheg and began making the “dumbest” videos they could come up with. They blew up on the platform during summer 2021, and for the first time felt fan pressure to do certain things, whereas they were previously playing preconceived characters. He had also been posting on his personal TikTok profile, @damen.com, since March 2020. He is currently active on Instagram with the handle @damen.mumm, on which he regularly posts fashion-related images.
Family Life
Damen Mummert was born in Nevada. From age four to fourteen, he was in Orange County, California, before again relocating to Utah in the second week of eighth grade. There he met Cory Hunter-Winn in school and they were formally acquainted by the end of the eighth grade. They became friends during a science class in the ninth grade and became very close as they hung out together, bunked classes together and drove in Cory’s four-wheeler without a license. They went to the same high school and although they hung out together the least in junior year, they became particularly close in senior year.
In October 2020, he announced through Instagram that he had lost his pet dog Tucker, whom he had since he was six.