Cynthia Bailey, known for her role on "The Real Housewives of Atlanta," joined the cast in its third season. Beyond her reality TV fame, she has made guest appearances on series such as "The Next :15" and "Cupcake Wars," and in 2016, she appeared in the film "Sharknado: The 4th Awakens." At the age of 18, Cynthia moved to New York to pursue a modeling career, leading to significant achievements such as gracing the cover of Essence and walking the runways of major European shows. In 2013, she co-authored a relationship book with her then-husband Peter Thomas, titled "Carry-On Baggage."

Career & Family Life

Cynthia's personal life has also been a focal point on "Real Housewives of Atlanta," including the drama surrounding her second marriage to Peter Thomas, which her sister attempted to sabotage by hiding their marriage certificate. She has a daughter named Noelle and married Mike Hill in 2020. Another notable personality from the show is Kim Zolciak, who, like Cynthia, brought glamour and intrigue to the series.