Christina Salgado, known as "The Sultry Spitfire," gained fame as an original bad girl on the 9th season of Oxygen's hit reality series Bad Girls Club. She made her national TV debut when the show premiered in July 2012 from Mexico. Her time on the show was cut short as she was removed from the house in episode 7 following an altercation with fellow cast member Rima. Despite her early departure, Christina's fiery personality left a lasting impression on the audience.

Career & Family Life

Born and raised in Jersey City, Christina is of Puerto Rican descent. Her cultural heritage and strong-willed nature contributed to her memorable presence on the show. During her season, she starred alongside Mehgan James, another notable personality from Bad Girls Club. Christina's participation in the series marked a significant chapter in her life, showcasing her on a national platform and cementing her status as a reality TV star.