Chanelle Standifer initially gained fame through her appearances on the popular reality television program "Toddlers and Tiaras." She further built her fan base online, beginning with her first YouTube video posted in November 2013, which showcased her performing a gymnastics routine at the age of three. In 2012, Chanelle won the Miss Ultimate May Miss Little Rainbow pageant. Her mother, Christina, played a significant role in managing her social media accounts and worked as a gymnastics coach, providing a supportive environment for Chanelle's budding career.

Career & Family Life

On various social media platforms, Chanelle is often pictured with her older brother and older sister, highlighting her close-knit family. Her Instagram account also features images of her with her close friend and fellow "Toddlers and Tiaras" personality Bailey Shea. These personal connections and family support have been instrumental in her continued success and growing online presence.