BrodyAnimates is a prominent Animation YouTuber known for his engaging and entertaining videos. Among his most popular works are "Being an Identical Twin," "VIDCON 2018!! (Animation + vlog) ft. My face," and "Almost Died At Summer Camp." His channel boasts over 1.2 million subscribers, where he shares a variety of content including animated stories, Q&A sessions, and skits. BrodyAnimates made his debut in January 2018 with the animated video "The Quest For the Cookie (School Project)," utilizing Adobe Animate for his creative process. One of his notable achievements includes an animation video from July 2021 featuring Haminations and InfamousSwoosh, which has garnered over 7 million views.

Career & Family Life

Hailing from Canada, BrodyAnimates is part of a family that includes his twin brother Brock and an older sister named Jade. His videos occasionally feature other talents, such as Aidini Tortellini, who lent his voice to "My Random Thoughts (Brody Edition)." BrodyAnimates continues to captivate his audience with his unique storytelling and animation skills, solidifying his place in the YouTube animation community.