Blake Wilson, famously known as BatDad, is a web star renowned for posting videos in which he dresses as Batman and engages in comedic scenes with his family. He first gained significant popularity on Vine, amassing over 3 million followers before the app was shut down, and later on Facebook, where his page has earned over 8 million likes. Since then, BatDad has expanded his online presence to Instagram under the handle batdadblake, attracting over 1.4 million followers. He posted his first three Vines on August 1, 2013, and in December 2016, he compiled all of his Vine uploads into a YouTube video titled "BATDAD - EVERY VINE WE EVER MADE MASSIVE COMPILATION," which contributed to his channel gaining over 750,000 subscribers. In October 2021, BatDad announced the release of NFT avatars of himself and his family on Instagram.