Avia Butler, known as Princesstard, is the second oldest child of the Shaytards family, a popular YouTube family that shares video blogs about their everyday lives to their 240,000 subscribers. From an early age, she experienced a nomadic lifestyle, moving around frequently with her family and living in both Idaho and California. In 2015, Avia showcased her musical talent by releasing the song "Forever Love" with Danna Richards, further expanding her creative endeavors beyond the family’s YouTube channel.

Career & Family Life

Avia is the daughter of Shay Carl and Colette Butler and has four siblings: Gavin, Emmi, Brock, and Daxton. She has a boyfriend named Ian, and both she and her younger sister Emmi share a love for Taylor Swift. Through the years, Avia has grown up in the spotlight, balancing her personal life with the public interest in her family’s online presence.